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Bushings Face Collar
For the first time, an air bearing is available that fully integrates and works on a three-way frictionless surface. Face collars are an option for one or each face and prevents the shaft or bushing from moving from side to side. Flat Precision Face Collars are used in conjunction with the OAV Thrust Air Bushings.
Recomended AIR Quality
介於 ISO 8573.1 質量等級 3 和 4 之間。最低建議:污垢粒徑為 15 微米,露點為 37 華氏度,油/蒸氣含量為每立方米 5 毫克 效果最佳:污垢粒徑為 5 微米,露點為 -4華氏度,油/蒸氣含量為每立方米 1 毫克。
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