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Vacuum Pre-loaded Air Bearings

OAV Vacuum Preloaded Air Bearings work on flat, nonporous surfaces such as granite, aluminum, glass, and ceramics. The round design allows for smooth, frictionless (no contact) motion. We offer a variety of sizes easily adapted for custom preloaded air bearings. OAV Vacuum Preloaded Air Bearings combine the use of vacuum and air pressure, creating superior damping. It allows the air bearing to press down while simultaneously being lifted from the surface.

By combining vacuum and air pressure, these bearings offer advantages for many applications across various industries. The vacuum preloaded air bearings can be optimized by adjusting the vacuum and pressure separately, allowing precise control over the fly height and stiffness.


The vacuum preloaded line replaces part of the bearing's surface area with a dedicated vacuum pressure zone. Fine-tuning of this vacuum/pressure setup achieves superior damping, resulting in the need for only one flat guide surface rather than two.

20mm x 40mm Flat Rectangular Vacuum Preloaded Air Bearing

Part # OAVF20L40V

20 mm x 40 mm frictionless OAV Flat Rectangular Vacuum Preloaded Air Bearing. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.

20mm x 40mm Flat Rectangular Vacuum Preloaded Air Bearing

Part # OAVF25L50V

25 mm x 50 mm frictionless OAV Flat Rectangular Vacuum Preloaded Air Bearing. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.

20mm x 40mm Flat Rectangular Vacuum Preloaded Air Bearing

Part # OAVF40L50V

40 mm x 50 mm frictionless OAV Flat Rectangular Vacuum Preloaded Air Bearing. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.

20mm x 40mm Flat Rectangular Vacuum Preloaded Air Bearing

Part # OAVF40L80V

40 mm x 80 mm frictionless OAV Flat Rectangular Vacuum Preloaded Air Bearing. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.

20mm x 40mm Flat Rectangular Vacuum Preloaded Air Bearing

Part # OAVF50L100V

50 mm x 100 mm frictionless OAV Flat Rectangular Vacuum Preloaded Air Bearing. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.

20mm x 40mm Flat Rectangular Vacuum Preloaded Air Bearing

Part # OAVR050RV

50 mm frictionless OAV Flat Round Vacuum Preloaded Air Bearing. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.

20mm x 40mm Flat Rectangular Vacuum Preloaded Air Bearing

Part # OAVR080RV

80 mm frictionless OAV Flat Round Vacuum Preloaded Air Bearing. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.

20mm x 40mm Flat Rectangular Vacuum Preloaded Air Bearing

Part # OAVR100RV

100 mm frictionless OAV Flat Round Vacuum Preloaded Air Bearing. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.

20mm x 40mm Flat Rectangular Vacuum Preloaded Air Bearing

Part # OAVMOD40L80V

OAV Vacuum Preloaded Modular Air Bearing design, subdivides motion system into smaller installable parts. Can be independently installed and then used in different systems and different shapes.

20mm x 40mm Flat Rectangular Vacuum Preloaded Air Bearing

Part # Vacuum Preloaded Air Bearing

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We provide designs that are integrated into your product and can quickly develop a design based on the application or your specific requirements. We provide detailed drawings and 3-D CAD models, and can analyze complex issues associated with your application from nanometer accuracy positioning to standard calculations.

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