Paliers à air plats et ronds

Les paliers à air plats et ronds fonctionnent sur des surfaces planes et non poreuses telles que le granit, l'aluminium, le verre et la céramique. OAV propose une variété de tailles qui peuvent facilement être utilisées pour personnaliser les systèmes de paliers à air. Le coussin d'air préchargé sous vide OAV utilise une combinaison de pression d'air et d'espace sous vide pour permettre aux coussinets d'air d'être maintenus tout en étant simultanément soulevés de la surface. Fabricant de coussins d'air.

25 mm Frictionless Flat Round Air Bearing
25 mm OAV Flat Round Frictionless Air Bearing. Used in both linear and rotary applications. Excellent damping capabilities and highly versatile. Easy to apply and change. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.
Part # OAVR025R

40 mm Frictionless Flat Round Air Bearing
40 mm OAV Flat Round Frictionless Air Bearing. Used in both linear and rotary applications. Excellent damping capabilities and highly versatile. Easy to apply and change. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.
Part # OAVR040R

50 mm Frictionless Flat Round Air Bearing
50 mm OAV Flat Round Frictionless Air Bearing. Used in both linear and rotary applications. Excellent damping capabilities and highly versatile. Easy to apply and change. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.
Part # OAVR050R

65 mm Frictionless Flat Round Air Bearing
65 mm OAV Flat Round Frictionless Air Bearing. Used in both linear and rotary applications. Excellent damping capabilities and highly versatile. Easy to apply and change. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.
Part # OAVR065R

80 mm Frictionless Flat Round Air Bearing
80 mm OAV Flat Round Frictionless Air Bearing. Used in both linear and rotary applications. Excellent damping capabilities and highly versatile. Easy to apply and change. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.
Part # OAVR080R

100 mm Frictionless Flat Round Air Bearing
100 mm OAV Flat Round Frictionless Air Bearing. Used in both linear and rotary applications. Excellent damping capabilities and highly versatile. Easy to apply and change. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.
Part # OAVR100R

125 mm Frictionless Flat Round Air Bearing
125 mm OAV Flat Round Frictionless Air Bearing. Used in both linear and rotary applications. Excellent damping capabilities and highly versatile. Easy to apply and change. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.
Part # OAVR125R

150 mm Frictionless Flat Round Air Bearing
150 mm OAV Flat Round Frictionless Air Bearing. Used in both linear and rotary applications. Excellent damping capabilities and highly versatile. Easy to apply and change. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.
Part # OAVR150R

200 mm Frictionless Flat Round Air Bearing
200 mm OAV Flat Round Frictionless Air Bearing. Used in both linear and rotary applications. Excellent damping capabilities and highly versatile. Easy to apply and change. Manufactured with aerospace quality material.
Part # OAVR200R

Custom Design
We provide designs that are integrated into your product and we can quickly develop a design based on the application or specific requirements. We provide detailed drawings and 3-D CAD models, can analysis complex issues associated with application from nanometer accuracy positioning to standard calculations.
Part # Flat Round Air Bearing